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Our Mission


Ashwin Vadivelu


Yogi Yoganatham


Rifat Rajudeen



Childrens’ Technological Education Network (ChildrensTEN or alternatively, Childrens10) is a charitable 


organization that seeks to support underprivileged children worldwide. We believe that education is the 


surest path towards self-empowerment and that education is the best tool used to rid underprivileged 


communities from the cycle of poverty. Hence our mandate has become supporting on-the-ground 


educational institutions in these communities, thereby helping entrench an educational infrastructure 


that can help that society prosper. We aim to provide monetary and volunteer support to these 


institutions, with the main goal being to enhance their ability to provide education to their students in 


any way we can. As such we have helped build classrooms, provided projectors and other educational 


tools, built a basketball court for a school, and assisted in constructing other infrastructures at these 


establishments (Details on our projects page).


Executive Team

Tharsan Loganathan


Sarugan Loganathasingam


Michael Paluch


Sabesh S.Theivasamy


Carlo Tabula


Sophia Magno


Mitraj Singh Lochab


Visaahan Anandarajah


Authiththan Seevaratnam


Sucheta Sharma

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